Friday, September 30, 2005


Let’s talk about equations.

Yes, Mathematics has never been my forte nor is there any remote possibility that it will be in the near future. Problem is, I find it inappropriate to discuss anything in any other form. So I’ve reduced the problem to two variables with a generous four equations. (Hint: solve the problems simultaneously, I swear no calculus involved at all). Why did I choose equations? Because anything else would make the whole episode sound incestuous.

1) X = Male + Female
Subject to staying in the same room for more than 20minutes.

2) Y = Kissing
Subject to unrestrained tongue action.

3) X = Y

4) X + Y is an infinite arithmetic progression.

My Mathematics is rubbish. I’ve just proved it.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Originally, i had wanted to write about a disturbingly subtle political event which happened of late which could threaten absolute freedom and truth in Democracy. But I am too wasted on Brandy. Still got the blues...Plus, i'm too afraid of political oppression to go in-depth about such stuff. Please, it could land me a maximum fine of 5000 bucks and three years in jail. Why risk it?

It was after seeing ZG bro's post on the sombre issue of Life and Death that really made me reconsider...Will be be really worth it to give up all that I have to write something against the conventional political idealogies of our era if sudden death chanced upon us the next minute? Neither Capitalism nor Communism would have much appeal to the dying man. Politics would be the last thing on my mind if I knew i was living on my last borrowed breathe.

I can't seem to pinpoint what is so pessimistic about it, but vaguely, I think the possibility of a sudden death is too painful a truth for anyone. So, we just turn our backs to it when deep down, we know it is reasonable prospect. Death is an upper limit of random chance, but hey, life is a source of infinite possibilities. I hate having to think of the gloomy side of is, after all, a creation resulting from an intensity of Love 20 odd years ago. If there is one thing it should not be, it should never be grim.

All said(perhaps not all) and done, we are complicit to the mishaps and bliss of our lifes in every small manner.......

So cheers, bottoms up. As far as I am concerned about Life, Death, Happiness, Sorrow and all other related matters, it is as far as my drunkedness goes. One it.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Siblings, Sobbings.

She has just officially requested that she be my mei mei. For all the wonders that words could do to reject this request, I could only manage a two syllable reply. ‘Okay’. What was I thinking? This family thingy sounds so passé that it almost seems to be a shadow of bygone secondary school days where we too, first became brothers. But it is quite different now. I’m 22. And I have a crush on her. It isn’t so cute anymore. And that seems to be the final nail to our coffin of romance. Bury it.

So I decided to write a dumb short skit/story of the fantasies and repressions which have been loitering in my mind for the past half hour. Because it is cheesy, so by default it has to have certain parts in Chinese with directions in English. No, not that I find my mother tongue lacking, nor am I saying it is dumb. Just that I’m too mother fucking influenced by the cheesy Chinese works I have read and drama series I’ve watched. The setting, as usual, is perhaps more retrospective than modern. I leave you guys to go figure who are the protagonists, but I sure think Guang and Huat bro combined makes a good 月老!Here goes…

Disclaimer: The following material is fictional. Really, it is.


A saxophone solo plays an enchanting(Please, nothing sleazy about it) Careless Whisper in the background. Allegro and Grazioso. It fills the air. Almost intoxicating.

百奥亭中坐着一个芳龄十八的窈窕俏姑娘,和一个血气方刚的青年公子。他们很幸福,他们很温暖,他们也在微笑。She hands him a moon-cake she had made and asks:

姑娘:(mischievously) 六哥,你猜猜看,月饼是单黄还是双簧?

六哥:韵儿,如果是你做的话,那一定是双簧。 你最喜欢成双成对带来的幸福了。

韵儿:真聪明!那你还不 快偿偿我的手艺?

六哥:(frivolously) 哈哈,对,对,对。月饼吃进了肚子里,它们就可以大团圆了!那才是幸福呢。就好像你和我以后成了亲就可以。。。

韵儿:(hits him tenderly) 快别说了!你好讨厌!

He begins to eat the pastry.


She nibbles at her own fraction of moon-cake, steals a glance and smiles to herself seeing that he is so happily eating the moon-cake she had made specially for him. She blushes, but hurriedly says something else least he senses her girlish happiness.

韵儿:(pointing to the sky)六哥,你看今晚的月亮好美呀。

六哥:(cheekily) 月亮再美,也不可能比你美吧!

韵儿:(again, her face goes red) 肉麻… 油腔滑调的. 也不知道你是不是每次说这些话来哄骗女孩子.

六哥: 我没有!我是真心的…你实在是很美.

At this juncture, he leans across and is about to kiss her tenderly when suddenly, an immense eruption of smoke engulfs them. It is thick, and yes, intoxicating in the correct sense of the word. When the cloud of choking smoke finally clears, the couple find themselves in the company of a grossly chubby (albeit cute) and obnoxious figure, dressed like a deity (God mode!!!). He rudely intrudes…

???: (scratching his tummy)你们凡人中哪里有比我还美的? 是你吗? (points to 韵儿)

六哥, 韵儿: (together)你是谁!!!!???!!!

月老: 我就是传说中的月老, 但可别误会, 我并不那么老. 是不是比你们想象中还帅? 还美? (directing his question now to 六哥) 快说, 你是觉得她美些, 还是我美些?

六哥: 靠! 你这样的货色也敢和我的韵儿比? 要不要我撒泡尿让你照照?

月老: (deeply provoked) 我好生气! 我可是月亮里的第一美男子! 我看得到,我听得到, 你们的爱并不那么微妙. 那我就说给你们听…你们不可能在一起的! 你们根本就是同父异母的亲兄妹! (sinisterly)哈哈哈哈哈哈…

六哥: 你别胡说!

月老: 你们两个的右手都有一个半月形的胎记, 你们的老爸也有, 那就是证明你们有血缘关系的证据. 你们若不相信, 可以泜血认亲! 我没空纠缠在你们的情情爱爱中, 还是回月球做我的SK II面膜比较好. 它含有Pitera成分, 能让我的肌肤 QQ的. Bye bye.

Just as suddenly as the apparition had appeared, it vanished instantly. The dual had not really heard 月老’s professions on cosmetic tips. And there was no need for a DNA test. The look on their faces betrays the truth of their common birthmark. Goodness! They were siblings now. It is a bitterly cruel fate. Here, their destiny branches into two endings. If you think dOminic is a world class gentleman and like soapy endings, please read Ending A. If you think dOminic is a psychopath beyond redemption, please proceed directly to Ending B.

Ending A.

L. van Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata plays in the distant. Moderato. Not the most fitting piece, but perhaps the most fitting temperament in the manner it is play.

She is weeping now, the sorrow overcoming her. Her blissful love has, in a split second, transformed into an unethical affection. Perhaps the greatest sorrow is the revelation striking her deeply that she could not do anything to change matters.

六哥: 妹子, 你别哭了. 其实, 这也是没办法…

韵儿: (crying even harder) 我就是偏要哭…你不伤心, 就是你死没良心…

六哥: 妹妹, 你不要难过了. 我做你的哥哥, 也一样会疼你, 照顾你, 关心你. 让我为你准备一个家吧.

韵儿: 我就是偏要难过. 我不要做你的妹妹, 也不要你做我的哥哥. 我不要!我不要!

六哥: 妹妹, 你应该开心才是. 我们也总算有一个大团圆啊.

看着六哥眼神中流泻出的柔情似水, 韵儿更是难以自拔. She kisses him, but he pushes her aside gently. The physical rejection brings home his following statement.

六哥: (tenderly) 妹妹,不行啊…人生不如意的事,十之八九. 没办法改变的事实, 也就只好接受.

She realises for a second time that she was powerless against her fate. She resigns to her sorrow, but puts up a meek smile. Slowly, she mutters…

韵儿: 我明白了…

六哥: (genuinely cheerful and relieved) 你能明白就好了,我们回家吧.

Music fades away softly as the curtains fall. The night is one of unsurpassed conflict. She is reunited with him. She is him. Her heart is bleeding.

Ending B

Johann Strauss’ Radetsky March plays in the foreground. The tempo is overpoweringly lively.

He is weeping now, the sorrow overcoming him. His blissful love has, in a split second, transformed into an unethical affection. Perhaps the greatest sorrow is the revelation striking him deeply that he could not do anything to change matters.

韵儿: 哥, 你别哭了. 能做你的妹妹我已经很满足了. 只要你疼我, 照顾我,关心我,那我们做兄妹也是一样的.

六哥: (with deliberate slowness, a contrast to the music)不…一…样…的…我…不…满…足!

看着他那邪俊的脸孔, 韵儿的心跳快了两拍. 她朝思暮想的情郎一瞬间似乎充满了前所未有的可怜和可爱. He moves closer yet again. Suddenly, he is exhilarated by the insane prospects of being unethical. It would be a stairway to heaven. He kisses her. But the adhesion of their lips was a bonding of blood, not of Love.

韵儿: 啊! 不可以呀! 哥, 你想干嘛?!?

六哥: (lustfully)哈哈! 我想和你大团圆!

He unbuttons the first button on her collar. She resists and brilliantly executes a 猴子偷桃 , and squeezes until the juicy peach becomes rather deformed from any traces of masculinity. OUCH! She pushes him aside roughly.

At first, the pain is so intense that he is left rolling on the ground. But as he recovers slowly, he realises that人生不如意的事,十之八九. 没办法改变的事实, 也就只好接受. There must be another way to release his pent up frustrations. Then the idea came.

六哥: 月老啊月老! 快回来呀! 你才是最美最美的!

As if 月老 had been lurking around all the while, he suddenly reappears, (without the smoke this time) donning a facial mask.

月老: 真的吗? 也不知道你是不是每次说这些话来哄骗人家.

But he doesn’t really care what月老is saying. He kisses月老 in a wet, passionate manner.

月老: (shocked)你想干嘛??!??

六哥: (beyond all issues of morality)哈哈! 我想和你大团圆!

He proceeds to rape 月老, while his dearest 妹妹 watches the horrific deed in abject disgust.

Music is now a mess of double quick time staccato. Curtains fall. The night is one of unrivalled lust and psychotic evil.

Hmm… had quite a lot of fun doing this one. At least it took my mind off her for a while. I preferred Ending B personally because transposing Guang bro(no offence meant) as 月老, it becomes homoerotic and incestuous at the same time. It is so warped that it is doubly disgusting. Hahahaha. This is purely for entertainment purposes, so please don’t sue me for 2million bucks. I won’t have the money also.

Sigh…人生不如意的事,十之八九. 没办法改变的事实, 也就只好接受 .

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Decided against writing an erotic post. That would just be pushing me further into the horrific reign of sex, music and booze.

Yeah…love lasts a lifetime. Making it only lasts for a few impassioned moments. Writing about the latter would make me seem so revoltingly uncommitted to the former cause.

Yeah…music soothes the soul. The melodies might play in the mind more often than I wish it would. But every song ends or fades away. Singing a song only releases the emotions I have for it at that particular moment. Nothing more.

Yeah…booze drowns the sorrows. The euphoric state of drunkenness takes away all thoughts of the consequences of actions. Yet how long can it last? Perhaps until the hangover comes the following day. And I can swear on Martell’s name that there is no sorrow worse that the headaches which accompanies excessive drinking. Besides, how much can a person drink? 6standard drinks is the usual Asian limit. I could possibly do double or more and get really wasted. But why waste my health on it?

Yeah…so no more talk of the above three vices for now. Makes me feel like engaging in them. But that would only be escaping. I think I was sad and disappointed. For like one minute. And I cried for two minutes. Then I became happy again by the third. But sadness should not be correlated to the transient comfort zones such vices provide. To be able to cry shows recovering grief. And only happiness is an eternal bliss.

This is not a post war tribunal. It does not require an investigation or a finger-pointing episode in search for a truth which was never there. Nothing was wrong. Feelings are no fault of anybody’s. Nobody has a right to claim ownership of something so magical. Come on, it was only a week. And she admitted she sort of liked you but think it is unfair because she just got out of a relationship. (Yes, I know it is an excuse but I choose to believe her okay?)So how much deeper can you probe into it? Why should you even bother? If it will not make a difference, don’t start something you cannot stop.

Fuck, I’m crying again. Except this time it could be tears of joy. I feel like I’ve matured 7 years in the space of a week. Great…now my emotional age is 7. 2 more times and I’ll be all ready for a real relationship.

Beware the long haired fellow. He preys on schoolgirls. Especially those in uniform, ankle socks, pony tails and smell like they’ve just come out from a bathtub of moon flowers and lavenders.

Then, she is calling me now.

(Time elapses to this morning when I’m in school after talking to her on the phone till 2am last night.)

It is the bloody same kind of conversation, filled with harmless flirting, blabberish about her exams, psycho-analysis tests, etc. Just as it was before her confession. Tell me, how are we going to become detached to a level of ‘just friends’ if this is to ensue? Do I have to actively repress my feelings for her? And I can’t really reject her calls on the grounds that I’m busy because I’m not and I do enjoy talking to her.

One week is really too fast, too furious. But Time is only a convenient unit of measurement. 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识?If the feelings are correct, then it’ll be a shame to hide it away. Besides, how can feelings be wrong?


Not the end...


Have I ever seen such an honest girl? Great, her honest confessions are admirable. Suddenly, just suddenly, out of nowhere comes a message from her telling me we’ll be better as friends.

That bursts the bubble of schoolgirl dreams.

She thinks it was impulsive thinking it was love. Goodness. So did I. Somehow I don’t feel hurt really. Maybe because it was only a week, and maybe we really should be friends instead. And I guess schoolgirls should be left as topics of my fantasies I always talk with MinG about. They are just not made for my infatuation.

dOminic, can you just pause to think? You have no youth, no looks, no talent, no money, no character, no IQ, no chemistry with any girl whatsoever. Why would an 18 year old schoolgirl fall hopelessly in love with you? And why would you think it really was true love? I think it is vanity at work!

And look at your previous blog posts of lovey dovey. Are you sure that is the material you think you can write about? Not really. You’ll be much better off penning erotic stuff and the likes of it. You could just draw on your memories of older, more lustful women like Dawn. That could easily make it a top best-seller in the adult section after karma sutra.

Fuck! I just have to let slip a vulgar word. Lets hope all the frustrations will end after I swear.

Okay, I promise to blog a super super super super erotic post when I get home from class later. That simply is more like me!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Yes, I had dinner with a school-girl just. And yes, she is of legal age. And no, there was no funny stuff nor anything else you filthy minded jerks.

When was the last time you saw a girl in uniform in such proximity? Your manlier than man female warrant officer hollering at you for not polishing your boots? Or that nurse with that distorted face giving you that once in a lifetime BCG injection which distorted your face for days after?

None of those. This is a pony tailed school girl, fresh faced from youthfulness yet weary with stress of prelim exams, complete with above the knee skirt and ankle socks. Plus she smells like she just came out from the bath-tub of lavenders and moon flowers.

Slurp. I choose to call it true love.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Boy meets Girl...

The song goes on and on...

Got to meet this delightfully wonderful girl at the swimming pool the other day and I'm still puzzled what got into me such that I went to ask for her number. No, I don't do this often.

Sure, it could merely be an infatuation considering it is only a week since I've met her. But come on, passion is obsessive. It is a flame which grows stronger with each passing moment, each long phone conversation, each comfortable meeting, each....yeah...until it consumes each other in a devouring blaze. And yes, it is only a Platonic friendship. I'm still surprised it is actually possible.

I'm not ruling out that it could be a one-sided affection or just a matter of novelty. But the exhilaration is proving to be so overt that every waking moment seems to be filled with thoughts of her. If to say that I am only in love with the idea of falling in love, then insofar as she is the object of my love, doesn't it make sense that I love her?

Sssssh. Keep it as an emotion. Words never express emotions with equal clarity because it has to be put through a rationalising thought process first. And how can anyone describe that highly charged electric, almost magical feeling that flows and shudders through the whole body? An orgasm would seem over-rated when compared with it. Not even close.

Spin a little tighter...Sharing a tub of Ben and Jerry's at the playground at 4am in the morning. The sweetness of Cookies and Cream ice-cream simply resonating through the stillness of the night. Looking at the stars above and wondering if they too, were connected every night by a bit of sweetness. How their smiles illuminate the skies above. How the radiance of her smile light up every inch of my life! Good God! I thought I was supposed to be an unfeeling man!

The song goes on and on...let me pen the lyrics with Love!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Writing Discourse.

I wonder if my rhetoric discourse is suitable for blogging. It is inappropriate because it is a tad too refined for the purpose of describing the trivial events which happen in my life. Should the insignificant events in the life of a struggling student be elevated with words? Professional as it may sounds, that is just not the way I speak and think in real life. Is it not?

I devote half my studying time to words and the other half to graphs and equations. I can’t blame myself for wanting to write similarly to the former and think similarly to the latter. But anyways, let me present, albeit in adopting, adapting and becoming adept at a feminine manner of writing, a very different side of me. Now I’ve transformed into an innocent girl…does it seem more appropriate?

Haha…todAy veRy hapPy, finally had lunCh with mOi JC classmate. *simlez* We ate iNdiAn food. wAh…beri nice lehz, but also beri beri bEri la4 lehz! HaD to drink tWo cAns of mOi faV PokkA gReen teA afteR that. Then got no more faGs left so had to walk all the way outside to the 7-11 to bUy. I was sweAting…yeeEEE I hatE the feelinG loR! Sianz.

LuckilY on ouR wAy outside saW one cat with her kiTTens. KaWaii ne!

AiyAr, nOw alsO beri siAnz, just waitinG for MinG to come mOi hse then we go sWimminG. Yeahhhh…I loVe sWimminG! K, mOi darLing bloG, I’m goinG to eaT my yuMMy yuMMy dinner already.

Enough! This is definitely not the style I should use. Okay, alternatively, maybe I should try my hands at something else. Let’s see if I like it better.

Wah today can go and buy 4D already, finally met my JC classmate for lunch. Cheebye everytime jio him also he say he not free. We eat this Indian food because he say I look ‘multi racial’. Fuck him lor. The food not bad. Seriously not bad but too hot already lor, had to drink 2 cans of green tea afterthat. Then after that realise got no more pOks already then lan lan, got to go out and buy. The weather hot like fucking hell, in the end by the time we reach the 7-11 we were sweating like mmm jia lan.

Then on our way there saw this cat and the kitten. Haha so funny, got one kitten trying to suck on the mama cat’s titties then she just bo-chup, went to sleep.

Damn bored now man, waiting for MinG bro to come. Also don’t know what time he is coming. I jio him to go swimming instead. If not everytime he come my house we just sit there and smoke. Sian ½, my mother nagging at me to have dinner liao…Later then see if I got mood to blog somemore or not lar. Fuck lar, her cooking damn lost form one leh, only know how to cook canned food.

Actually, it seems like a better representation, but I don’t particularly like it either. And I think it would be quite hard to develop ideas if I attempt to write in either style. The first is irritating to the maximum and the other is vulgarly distasteful. So hey, I’m not being pretentious when I blog the way I do…I just don’t think in that manner nor construct sentences in that way.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Summer dreams and Summer Days

My Liquidity Preference Ratios.

Can I buy you breakfast?

Can I have your number?

Can I get you a drink?

Can I ask you out to the movies?

Can I ask you over to my place for a cup of coffee?

Can I smell your hair?

Can I then proceed to gently stroke it? And perhaps kiss you tenderly near your ear lobes where ‘Her World’ claims to be one of the most sensitive part of a female’s anatomy. (apart from the back of the knee cap)Yes, I will whisper my professions of love. One thing leads to another, until the final deed is completed, surely. Easy Peasy, even more so if you are Japanesey.

Your heart will beat double rapidly, your breathing will quicken, your face will be flushed with the rush of hormone bringing blood. Then the clothes which you painstakingly chose to flaunt your merits and hide your flaws will all fall apart before I even finish proclaiming the depth of my love for you. This is what every man wants, the naked truth. It is laden with imperfections, but it is what makes it more seductive than when clothes reveal only a fabricated you. I want to consume every inch, every austere inch of you, I want to adopt your virtues and change your vices when you become me. You too, will strip me of my mask of outer ego.

There will a frenzied movement of limbs, which will ensue in intertwining entanglement. There will be a still locking of lips, bonded by the explorations of the tongue. Submission and dOmination would become totally insignificant when our minds focus on no more issues but that of pleasure. Yes, such a time will come when such a sublime state of abject intensity ragingly arrives.

The eruption of Vesuvius will fill you with the pollen of my love. Pompeii will be flooded henceforth with nutrient rich lava and life giving emissions. But for now, it will remain as dead as Death itself as you stare with blank intent, while I lie, spent, in your youthful breasts. But I will repeat my undying love for you. Perhaps this cycle might repeat too if, after a few moments, you still wish to languish in my masculinity, while I, in your effeminate womanhood. Any more utterance of Gender is a wasted cause. You are the woman in me, while I am the man in you.

You are not in a dream. You are in my dream. I am in a dream…a very wet one, at that. Unfortunately, you only belong there, fortunately out of where my reality reaches. I seek you. Like Romeo to Juliet, like Cow herding boy to Cloth weaving girl, like me to you!

Waking up

Wake up! Yawn. Oh fuck! Not again…
Snap back to reality…you still have an essay draft due this week.
I was cruelly late out of bed this morning, so I brushed my teeth, brushed my long hair back, washed my face and went to read the papers over breakfast. Well, I wasn’t particularly tempted to blog about the above…hmmm, lets just call it ‘summer dream’. (No, it has nothing to do with Economics despite the heading), but it is at times like these…when ‘Copulation Theory’ falls into rightful place that one simply has to find an outlet to release pent up frustrations.

You can’t fault me. I wasn’t writing about sex, the word isn’t even mentioned. I was just writing about my lofty dreams that I, recently, quite often have. But…enough of all this nonsense.

Anyway, I was quite disgusted when I flipped open the entertainment section of the papers today to find a whole page devoted to an advertisement which features a gross number of chubby women claiming they lost a grand total of X number of inches and Y number of kilos. It came to my unimaginable horror, that on almost every alternate page of the papers, there had to at least one such advertisement of similar likes. Beauty spas, weight loss programmes, sliming tablets, breasts enhancements…you name it.

I can’t decide what has made me disgusted. Is it that fat women are shamelessly on the papers exposing more of their bodies than is tolerable for the eyes? Is it that the media marginalises these women by portraying them as less than perfect specimens and the epitome of low-self esteem because they are fat? Or is it that such companies have the audacity to portray fat as mutilation and ugliness so they can make a quick buck out of it, all under the hypocritical name of consumerism and beauty? I think it is a combination of all three factors. Cha cha cha!

Look, being natural is being beautiful. Come on, why can’t everyone just be themselves? Beauty is not an accessory or modification which can be bought or fitted. Neither is it a commodity where a price can be attached to it.

Think, would Karen Mok still be hot if every girl on the street has her legs? Would Jerry Yen still be good looking if every guy in the world has similarly chiselled features? The bottom-line is, if someone is natural and has an inner beauty of good character, that would make him/her stand out. That is a realm where Consumerism cannot enter without preaching the dogmas of a Church. That is something acquired, not bought, which makes it more precious than physical beauty.

But now, I sound like I am preaching about vanity so inherently found in me.

Ahem…but I mean, all I want is the naked truth. It doesn’t matter if a girl is in a school-uniform or plainly clad, it doesn’t matter if the girl is 100 pounds or 140 pounds, it doesn’t matter if the girl has shapely legs or thunder thighs…all that matters is her personality. That is enough of the naked truth that I want.

‘Oh man, dOminic, I know what is disgusting.’ The boy says… and continues after a pause.

‘You are so desperate, you are disgusting. Thank goodness you don’t try to make your dreams a reality’.

Friday, September 02, 2005


The Absurd in construction...

If the boy had closed his eyes, even for a mere second, he would have fallen asleep and perhaps also, flat on the unforgiving stone pavement as well. The bruises, the pain, the blood of the hypothesized fall would perhaps serve better memory of the current day. He was walking alone.一人で歩けない。Despite the lack of companions or the faithful mongrel which should have been there like in the movies, he was still walking. He was not an actor, and neither was she a bitch. Walk.

Rashness of angry thoughts was lost and tactlessness of sinful decisions was suppressed. The boy was left in a hallucinating daze as vehicles flashed past. Just blurry images of the movement of automobiles. His judgement of speed was stationary. Just a few more steps home now. A horn blared in total disgust at his mazy jay walking. He did not pause to re-access the imminent road hazards there were and those which he might be causing. Home had appeared just before the horizons of his vanishing point. He simply continued walking.

The prospect of a mellow glass of Johnnie Walker on the rocks was an incentive to every step he now took. Keep walking. If he could keep his mind on one thing now, it was home. Home was the promise of Black Label. Whiskey was a promise in itself. A melody hummed in his mind subconsciously, and his heart filled in the lyrics. How many roads must a man walk down, before they called him a man? So he trudged on, now on the opposite side of the road, safe from harm from the dangers of the Tigress’ mouth. 马路如虎口. He was a man.

Funny how things which appear so near can be so far actually, he wondered. His footsteps had been incessant, but the distance to home still seemed to be unwavering. Probably his conceptions of Space and Time were equally warped as his judgement of speed. How long had he been walking now? How long more would he have to walk?

His vision was further impaired when the first drops of drizzle softly landed on his lashes. Why, and for whom was heavens weeping for this time? Whose sorrowful plight has made her cry? His tears were intermingled with hers, but he was walking, not crying. He desired the strength of Hercules and Samson combined, but did not wish to give it away to women. He coveted Ahasuerus’ wealth, but did not wish to promise Esther half his kingdOm. Un vrai menteur. A real liar. The echoes of his footsteps reminded him that he was still walking.

The rain fell with greater intensity now, and where he formerly thought was home had been reduced to but a hazy building against the raindrops pelting upon his cheeks. He felt somewhat cold although the walking had started to become quite an exhausting affair. But heat travels from one body to another. In this case, it was from him to his general surroundings. He was cold and shrouded by coldness. He was cold because coldness shrouded him. He had to get home before the coldness got him ill. So he hastened his steps, almost to the extent of running. The boy would have fancied running to escape the rain and cold, but he was already feeling short of breadth.

Home was the final destination of his walking, where he could get the malted Scotch he couldn’t get out of his mind since he started walking. If an emotional heaven could cry, perhaps an infernal hell could get drunk. It meant comfort of sorts to him, much more in this seemingly endless rain. Her tears would not seem to run dry, at least not until he could reach home. His walking had become a process of motion not governed by any other notion but his aging will to arrive home. It shouldn’t be long now. Walked.

終わりましょ。 Lets finish with this, the boy resolved as he fumbled in his trousers’ pockets for his keys to the gate where two ornamental clay cherubs smiled teasingly at him. They almost looked devilish to him. Home was just a few yards ahead. But alas! They were nowhere to be found. He then checked his left breast pocket, where he suspected it laid hidden deeply, but his hand came out empty. He must have dropped it in his frenzied haste home. A home. A home. A home sweet home.

But he was just not destined to enter it yet. The innermost depths of his heart told him he did not wish to die. Although the whiskey was really very alluring…

So he took one last look at the unrelenting gate, cursed himself for misplacing his keys, bade a sad farewell to the unseen bottle of Johnnie Walker and left. As suddenly as the passing shower had come, it had now stopped. She was happy again, and he had sacrificed neither his strength nor wealth to her, the boy noted to himself. Perhaps, he did not really care how she felt anymore. The rain has ceased, and visibility resumed.

はじめましょ。Lets begin. Begin walking anew and again. The boy pondered for a second and headed straight for the traffic lights with confident strides. Yes, he understood. Life is precious.

The amber lights appear briefly before changing to red. He waits patiently for the green man to appear and observes that all the cars have completely halted before he moves on. Happily, he walks. Walks.

Thursday, September 01, 2005



Mount the gibbet like a saint,
With sins of Lucifer’s acquaint.
A rosy picture you paint,
With touches of a hidden complaint.
The bliss when the light goes faint,
With an unseen face will there be no restraint.

The wasted youth that you squander,
The cheap women that gave you gender,
The misguided imagination that you plunder,
The manipulating lies that make you tender,
But the greatest of mistakes where you blunder,
Is the hypocrisy that makes you meander.

Remove the veil you put for parades,
And bury it with the blackened spades.
Stop the game of your solitary Charades,
For guessing yourself is no honest trade.
Expose the hypocrisy of your masquerades,
Before the stench of it burns to Hades.


Couldn't get to sleep so I wrote myself a poem. (actually I was broaching the subject matter of the poem with another person in mind but I decided to judge myself first) Oh well, I guess I am becoming too harsh on over critical on myself. At least I think I remain only as a hypocrite to myself. Yawn. Who cares about anything else other than sleep now?