Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Soliloquy II

A Soliloquy II

And now, in the quiet solitude of the night, I am again in a state of self-imposed depravation of sleep. My nicotine addiction makes me crave for an infusion of smoke, but apart from that, my wandering mind desires nothing. And though the night, like my cigarettes, shall burn out into the dawning of a new day; it can only be a continuum of my present misery. Besides, these nocturnal hours seem to be in eternal stagnation, dilating time by an infinitely large multiplier.

Juxtaposed against the stillness of time, my unsettled mind moves rapidly over loosely collected thoughts. The mind is weary, but yet it lingers in consciousness.

Perhaps when the mind finally crumbles from exhaustion and succumb to tiredness will the solace of slumber arrive. Only then can I sleep.


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