Tuesday, May 31, 2005

cOcKtail niTe...

Have you ever been to a bar and ordered a Baileys on the rocks only to be served Baccardi on the rocks? I have. And given my attitude, bad or otherwise, I refused to drink any of it. I headed out of the bar into their neighbouring rival. It is almost akin to finding a pretty, slim and delicious one nite stand only to get a big TRAnnieS surprise. Correction, surprise is too mild a word. Shock sounds better.

I don't blame the bar maid. First, she is in a foreign land trying to make a living. Second, she can only understand scraps of what the customer says. Poor girl. And she looks pleasing to the eyes...but that's not my point.

Point is, I offered to write down my orders for her so she can hand it to the bartender who presumably reads English. Hmm....for that matter, I can write it in Chinese too...and maybe after another eight weeks, in Japanese. I think, the problem is communication.

There is no point if all of us are bilingual or trilingual when the general population struggles with language. Monolingual people are not disadvantaged, but they need to pick up the new language if they wanted a smoother transition in a new land. Okay...everyone can pinpoint where the problem lies...

So here is my two cents worth of solutions. Make me the Minister of Education and I promise, everyone coming into our island country will be subjected to a crash course in Singlish, the various dialects and great sex. Haha...I hope I will never rise to such an appointment. But seriously, I believe the problem of language has to be readdressed. It is not just our local population which requires education in conversational English and Chinese/Mother tongue, immigrations should be granted equal attention.

I know this sounds far fetched...but think for a second, what if this was some important business deal at a MNC? Things may go haywire. I know too, that they would probably get a translator. But hey, wouldn't it be more efficient and effective and cost saving and blah blah blah if everyone just spoke a common language?

I'm not saying it has to be English. It is merely a language of Eurocentric supremacy. It just happened to be English. Next time I back to that pub (and that is still pretty doubtful) I hope I can just tell the waitress: '我要一杯百立, 在石头上面。’ Talk about miscommunication and miseducation.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Forever is gonna Start tOnight...

Somehow I can't find anymore inspiration to bloG. Is it passe? Am I daunted by the fear of making verbal mistakes which unintentionally insult others or reveal a more sinister side of myself?

Somehow I can't find anymore inspiration to think about sex. It is one big paradox. For simplicity sake, lets just classify all the women in this world under two general classes. Virgins and Whores. I'm no MCP, this is just a hypothesis.

So i see a scantily clad girl who behaves like a tart. So she belongs to the 'Whore' group. Physically, she would be attractive, maybe she might look good to bed. No, not cuddle her to bed type, but the jump in and waste no time type. Thats the problem...this group of girls would be too low class to bed, hence my lack of interest.

So there is a demure girl who is caring and considerate. So she belongs to the 'Virgins' group. She might be pleasant looking, maybe in the sweet way. She might be a motherly figure and probably might be submissive in bed. That's the problem...with this group of girls, sex would be the last thing on my mind. I might end up telling them bedtime stories and how wishing under the stars would make them come true.

I know...a girl does not lie on the extremes of the spectrums I've laid out. By limiting to two classes, I'm effectively forcing myself into a stalemate and confining myself. Sadly, I've not met a girl who is the right balance between the two ends yet. And really, if such a girl really comes along, a whole new dimension of problems will arise.

But that is just being pessimistic. How difficult can it be to put your pen back into the pen cap?Sex is difficult only because the mind is reluctant.

Somehow I can't find anymore inspiration to bloG. Because it is all but crap. Creativity died the day my mind started to think creatively. It died because of the backstabbers, moneygrabbers, users, abusers, haters, instigators, non-believers, etc. It died because there is no longer any purpose for it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Long LonG tiMe aGo...

Well, I guess it has been a long time since I've posted anything. Ironically, it is the holidays now. It could only mean one thing, I guess. My life is one hell of exciting and enriching and fulfilling and {adjective}...How I wished!

Yet it is at times when life reaches a certain monotomy that we start to desire thrills. Like fantasizing about the Japanese Language teacher's bra. Nylon or Lace or Cotton? Like blogging at 4am in the morning. Like singing 'American Pie' softly to myself and thinking of creampies. But it isn't all about sex and the likes of it. Anything that doesn't stimulate my mind doesn't stimulate my physical body. Therefore, pornography and lewd books are out. They no longer provide the much needed dose of high to sustain my lust for something beyond sex.

Dear brothers, I think I am the anti-thesis of the copulation theory. I'm not denying that I love sex. But it is not my only drive (I should put a stop to cheesy puns) in life man. Currently, the only thing that I am driving is myself--- up the wall, with layer after layer of merry-go-round ideology and thought. Oh yeah, life how I drove my Dad's car up the wall. Literally. I'm beginning to like the word. No, not sex. DRIVE.

But anyway, why are there people who are so darn bored that they have to resort to pointless ramblings just to hoax their active minds to a tired sleep? BoredOm. It is all in the name. But alas, it remains nothing more than a name. If I were to be French, maybe I'll be Jacques. If I were to be Korean, maybe I'll be Lee Bo Yuan. If I were to be Russian, maybe I'll be Nichola Valdomiv. If I were to be Thai, maybe I'll be Surajachai Kutalipong. Take my name away now. Take it away and tell me, what remains? Nothing. Nothing my dear brothers. Not all the women, not all the riches, not all the talents, not all the achievements remains if life is reduced to a name. Which explains why I am so darn bored. Oh? It doesn't explain anything.

Sorry, I refuse to spend my life trying to explain to others what I mean. If I said something, it was meant the way I meant it to be. It was meant for you to interpret. So I am crafty.... because with a certain degree of gilbness, I can manipulate my own words. I could make them melodramatic. I could make them rationalized. I could make them spin on a ferris wheel. Which is why I've decided to stop explaining altogether. Because nothing is wrong with any interpretation in the first place. It is just a matter of making sense of it.

Who the girl is doesn't matter. They may all be different and unique. But the need to love someone stems from an innate need to be loved. For the moment, I do not need either. Correction. For a lifetime to come, I may not need either. But what cannot be disproved does not necessarily make it correct. (Exactly what I was trying to tell my old friend who sent me weird messages) I have not gone out on a date with any lady for almost a month. I've never felt this freedOm. The tranquility of solitary life is amazing. Who the girl is doesn't matter. The girl doesn't matter. I have written a 10000 word thesis on the sacred subject of Love. It is published in every girl I've loved. If I could put all of them together and remove all their vices, then that will be the true love I seek. Hence, I believe nobody will disturb my peace for a long time to come.

Still waters run deep. The angst only lies submerged beneath a superficial calmness. It will explode one day, like a torpedo finally reaching a hull. Then everything above the surface will sink. All the hopes. All the dreams. All the wishes. They will all be disrupted by ripples from the explosion. They will all sink with the angst. Great! Then there will be a desperate struggle to stay afloat, to breadthe, to survive. That, is the thrill and stimulation I had always wanted. It is orgasmic. (Puts fingers into mouth) That, is the ultimate state of bliss, because finally, there can be a resolution between angst and dreams. There will be blending, and hence, there will be balance.

Time for digression into a history lesson. D-Day, June 6, 1944. 2500 Allied men died. 15000 Allied troops landed by the end of that day. Almost two thirds of a century later, we have the luxury of reviewing the splendor of a conflict between angst and freedOm.

And then....and then I realise every part of life was meant to be an ardent, but stimulating journey. Even more stimulating than black laced bras or double creampies.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

An Old Friend...

Some time ago i received an sms from an old friend, the topic was about how taiwanese pop groups were used as political tools. Yesterday, the same old friend messaged me again. Again, i wasn't convinced. So here is the email I sent to him, telling him why i thought otherwise. I think, it is not so much about winning the verbal/electronic arguement that is important. What pains me is that I think this old friend of mine is a little jaded, a little suspicious and probably in need of a lot of help. I know...in my bloG, he is voiceless and hence marginalised. Therefore it would seem very unkind for me to say any more about him. But being unkind is the last thing on my mind.

Dear WS(names modified to protect privacy),

First things first. I am not about to be treat your theory with regards to 'politics and pop groups' with disdain. I have, based on your recommended websites and sources of my own, investigated your claims. I do not mean to bring down your allegations, but I think there are certain aspects worth exploring which would prove otherwise.

Now, if to say Taiwanese Pop Groups are but tools of political parties, then perhaps it would only be reasonable to ask: 'Which political party has control of these Pop acts?' The current administration under President Chen? Or do 5566, S.H.E. and Mayday (amongst those you have mentioned) work for the opposition?

Accepting your hypothesis that these Pop acts are really tools for the Taiwanese government, we should be investigating into their government's top secret files, to which we would have no access to. However, the coincidences that you have pointed out on the websites and in the names, do not serve as evidence strong enough to substantiate such a national issue. This, I would explain later.

Next, another imperative concern would be, if they really were political tools rather than just budding stars of the music industry, under what kind of agenda do they work for? What possible motives can you postulate the Taiwanese government uses them for? As from what you have mentioned, there is a struggle for 'power and wealth'. Undoubtedly, this is an on-going aspect of politics which had been going on since the rise of political ideals. But the co-relatiion between politics and music is subtle, if not lacking.

Please allow me to abruptly name an example. The boy band 5566 came to Singapore recently for the NKF charity show, and through their performance, helped our local kidney foundation raise a sizeable sum of funds. In that, I do not see how a boyband with dual identities of boy band and political tool can come to terms in helping an 'aggressive' nation raise funds. If what they did brought aid and relief to even a segment of our population, I see no reason to be suspicious of their intentions.

I believe your counter statement would be as follows : If the co-relation is obvious, then it no longer would be effective in a power-struggle. Yet if this really was the case, I think there is no more room for our discussion because everything would be on a level too high for us to make any wild guesses.

With that, I come to the most worrying aspect of your self-professed theory. I think, in my humble opinion, that you could be compulsively looking for trivial matters to fit the accusations of what you think is the case.

Let me put it this way... There is a band in English music known as 'Five for Fighting'. Then there is another known as 'Six Pence none the richer'. Do we also say that they are the Eurocentric tools to manipulate the rest of the world or their adversaries?

Or how about why Singapore's international calling code begins with 65? Is it a memorial marker of our year of independence? Or is it merely just a number?

Or how about my IcQ(last time) taking on numbers like ..47...? It would be interesting, but wrong to think that I have anything against America's Independence Day, 4th of July.

Think for a minute, I doubt those three bimbos in S.H.E know anything about historical events half a decade ago, much less to say anything about politically intense moments. This, of course, is my personal view. What is more quaint essential is that there is a realisation of how easily we can actually sway our own minds sometimes.

What I am trying to say, is that...is that, could this perhaps just be a personal prejudice? I respect your views about it, but it may become dangerous to obsessively try to find premises to link to an unfounded conclusion. Let me illustrate:

Suppose we begin with a conclusion first:
--- A dog is a mammal with four legs.
Then we see an animal we do cannot identify (for example, a pig). So we form premises:
1) It has four legs.
2) It is a mammal.
My question: Are we going to assume that the pig equals to a dog?
It is obvious what is wrong here: A weak conclusion that is vague, perhaps with even weaker if not no premises to back it up in the first place.

My purpose of this mail is no to dissuade you from your opinion. I think everyone is entitled his freedom of thought. But these are my own doubts as to why I find your arguments and evidence unconvincing.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Taking the firSt step forward...

The Great Leap Forward

The boy looked around. His room was in a mess. Dirty clothes were strewn carelessly around, socks and briefs amongst them. Then there were the heaps and piles of last semester’s books, notes, tutorials, files and study materials. His desk was total wreckage and scattered on it was a messy assortment of stationery and miscellaneous bits and pieces. He could hardly make out his bed, and in corners which he did not usually reach when he slept, dirt had begun to settle. A collection of CDs laid in an unorganised fashion near the dusty stereo set. The labels on his liquor bottles had already turned yellow from age and neglect.

He started to wonder how anyone could survive in such a decayed and mentally hostile environment. And to a lesser extent, what kind of goodness could filter from a person who lived in such a sty. Nothing will come of nothing. Filthy room breeds filthy thoughts. No wonder he couldn’t stop pondering about the ‘Copulation Theory’. No wonder he had been harbouring lustful intentions about deriving greater pleasures from increasingly perverse sex acts.

But he had had enough. All he wanted was a simple life. Away from the users, the abusers, the money-grabbers, the backstabbers, the misconceivers, the non-believers, the haters and the instigators. The cruel thing is they all wear smiling faces.

He would have to search for his innocence now, or it will forever be lost. The first damn thing that he decided he could do, was to pack up his battered room. Tsunami relief to clear up the aftermath was on its way.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A RandOm collaGe of Loosely sTrinGed thouGhts.

D-day, H-hour.
Normandy wouldn't have been any worse. Err wait, I don't wanna do an amphibious landing or paradrop from a C130. I have morbid fear of great heights and i think sea water is dirty. Until i overcome my phobia of sand, Sentosa (and for that matter, Ubin, Tioman, etc) is out.

But hey, I have a kingdOm of LoVe. Oh wait, I am King dOm of LoVe. Whichever way it was supposed to be, I'm supposed to be a cruel dictator and tyrant. My governing maxim is imperialism coupled with facism. In short, this nation follows an expansionistic policy.

Come on! Come on! Follow me!
One more time you throw that 'smoke' i'm gonna make sure you quit, you ass!

主公, 臣有一计, 能使反贼大败!
We shall just have to start small then aim big, such that should our big invasion fail, we can always fall back on the previous success on smaller plans.

No wait! This is the Cobb-Douglas Production function:
Y = AK*N^ where
Y= output
A= technology variable
K=capital input
N=labour input
*=exponential variable
^=exponential variable
There can never be any returns without a certain degree of effort. The effort element, however small, could yield favourable returns. I must go where the brave man dies YA!

So much for the island being just a few degrees off the equator. So much for forever clear skies and warm sun rays. It rained on Sunday. All day. There are tropical monsoons. But Summer Heat is only an ideal world so if the wise King stays faithful to his beliefs, those dreams will come true.

Quick. Tell me more... Oh yes, any two objects in this world can be linked together in just 3links. Don't believe?
Book and Laptop ==> Entertainment
Okay, something more difficult...
Book and Artic ==> A book on the Artic.
But this damn thing itself reminds me of another game early psychologists used to play. They will say a word, then wait for their patient to give an instant response with another word. A delayed response could signal to an underlying problem perhaps? This goes on for perhaps 20-30 cycles until...i guess until someone got sick and tired of it. You ready? Go!
One. Phone. You. Love. Truth. Sex. Demand. Dictionary. Ego. Object. Subject. Great. Denial.
The following are my instant responses:
Two. Call. Me. Myself. (delayed)Grey. Love. Supply. (delayed)dick. Super. Subject. Econs. Me. NO.

The boy pushed aside all his books and brushed aside all his thoughts. History of Modern Europe, Geography, Carl Jung and Psychology, MacroEconomics, Romance of the Three KingdOms, etc. Time to sleep. Tomorrow will be another one of those great days at the pool. Sunny day or otherwise, everyday is an awakening to the best of Summer Heat!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

sUmmer heAt!

Ar...yes, the vacations at last. The guy was overjoyed. 3 full months of nothing but the invigorating summer heat. Some thought he was an escapist, moving here from where he previously was located. But his version of truth remains in his heart, and requires no more justification. As long as he knew what that truth meant to him...

Hmmm but considering that this really was an equatorial island, every single day was a summer day, with nothing less than the scorching sun and blazing heat. Whatever...nothing beats lazing by the pool, ice cold beer in one hand and good book in the other. Especially more so with his great friends.

Legend has it that if anyone was brave enough to shoot at the sky with an arrow laced with lofty dreams, the arrow would return as a reality filled with happiness. This bloG, this life, this story, these words, wields this dream.

Doyouyasumi--- sUmmer Vacation.