Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why Saggy is an Astrological sign of Duality.

My Dearest Blog,

I think you are such a whore. Never mind the reasons I’m about to cite don’t justify the use of such a vulgar noun. Never mind that I’ve seen plenty of women who seem more deserving of belonging to your alleged profession. Never mind that this really is rather distasteful.

Think about it, I come to you only in times of need. Either I’m lonely, bored, sleepless, depressed, angry, drunk…or any combination of these less than positive moods.

The thing is, I seek you as an outlet to vent frustrations more often than to promote any degree of love. Love really is reserved for my real life. I’m a married man, whom, with my first breadth, got engaged to a physical reality. The physical world is my designated love, my wife.

On the other hand, Blog, you are bounded by the red light district of cyberspace. I come to you when my wife doesn’t satisfy me. And really, not many Man can be satisfied with notions of monogamy and faithfulness. We are all lustful…which to me, translates to some kind of greediness. Yes, you are quite a prostitute.

My puns, my metaphors, my personifications, my warped logic, my perversity….my words…………these are your payment for our transaction.

With lust,

In this instance, I was just plain bored.

My Dearest Blog,

I think you are the most loyal friend ever. Never mind that our friendship began only a short time ago. Never mind that plenty of other friends I’ve known for much longer are much less loyal. Never mind that this is getting rather emotional and cheesy.

Think about this: a friend in need is a friend indeed. Even when I’m lonely, bored, sleepless, depressed, angry, drunk….. I know you will be there.

The thing is, I seek you as a listening ear more often than the other way round. Really, you seem to have no complains whatsoever, even when I neglect you. I’m a single man now, and seem quite stuck in this unfortunate reality for as long as fate will have it. Yet, you are still here for me, my Blog.

On the other hand, while you are always hanging around somewhere in cyberspace, I am bounded by commitments to my physical world. Although I cannot always interact with you, I am truly satisfied with our bonding based on notions of my monologue and your faithfulness. Yes, you are a friend indeed.

My puns, my metaphors, my personifications, my logic, my perseverance ….my words…perhaps sometimes you are the only on who understands them.

With love,

Damn it, I’m still just plain bored.