Monday, January 09, 2006

Bits and Pieces I

Bits and Pieces I

Strike a Pose!

The boy rested his head heavily on the raised table, quite unable to move although his vision was spinning. It was the ‘favourite pose’ as the boy and his brother liked to call it. Favourite is more than apt because they have adopted this stance collectively more often then they had sex. Pose? The word only makes the whole issue sound more dignified.

He had a lot of feelings, but the only feeling he had right then was to puke. And puke he did. Twice, in fact. Too drunk to clamber to the washroom, he erupted in merlion fashion, vomiting as if he wanted to fill the whole bar with his partially digested dinner. He almost thought he saw a strand of noodles. He probably was as disgusted as you are now, because/and most of the time he made it home before puking. It was a very private matter, almost akin to having sex. The breathing gets difficult, the face turns flushed, the heart beats faster, saliva flows easily……and very very soon, the whole face contorts as ‘it’ comes with such an overwhelming outburst of passions, normally accompanied with groans and moans. Yes, vomiting is similar to the most sacred act of times---sex. Except nobody really is going to enjoy the former.

The moment you bend over, everybody’ll come and fuck you. The moment you put your head down, you’ll start to wanna puke. These were the only natural laws of the universe which the boy knew very well…as opposed to 道可道, 非常道。名可名, 非常名。 無名, 天地之始。 有名, 萬物之母。Huh?


I was reading about this Enneagram Type Indicator personality test last night. I was reading it from a book but I’m very sure the test itself is available online. At first it really resembled western Astrology combined with Chinese zodiac analysis. After all, the test aims to categorize people into different types, quite similar to how Astrology differentiates people by their planetary and stellar aspects (especially the sun sign) at birth.

The distinct difference with this Enneagram Indicator thingy is that it requires a person to fill up a questionnaire first and total up the results as a computation of the ‘type’. While I am not a very keen believer of these personality tests, I was quite impressed with the results. Spot on descriptions…but of course, I might just be trying to fit myself into the mould of these rather vague statements. Humans are, after all, too quick to classify.

Well, here are some excerpts. You’ll see if they are accurate. My comments in red.

Type: Type 4, The Individualist

General characteristics: Sensitive (only to touch), Withdrawn (more so when drunk), Expressive, Intuitive, Impressionable, Quiet (not always true), Introspective, Passionate (only sexually), Romantic (not really), Elegant, Witty, Imaginative (again, only sexually).

At their worst: Moody (yes), Emotionally Demanding, Self-absorbed (perhaps), Withholding, Temperamental, Dramatic, Pretentious (never), Self-indulgent.

At their best: Creative (haha..still remember what happened to those wedding bears?), Inspired, Honest, Emotionally Strong, Humane (I torture cockroaches), Self-aware, Discreet (not really), Self-renewing.

(The picture which captured my latest creative piece of work...oh those cute wedding bears!)

--- Type Fours exemplifies the desire to be ourselves, to know the depth of our own hearts.

--- preoccupied with emotional reactions (and physical reactions too), memories (hmmm…I was just blogging about it two posts ago) and fantasies (we all have wet dreams).

--- discovers deep truths about human nature. (Conrad’s Heart of Darkness ranks high on my list of favourite books)

--- profoundly honest with themselves and their own motives (especially evil ones).

--- put words to feelings that others may recognise but could not express as eloquently.

--- involved in artistic pursuits. (Music, poetry, penmanship, writing, cocktails, women)

--- want to distinguish themselves from others. (Yes…)

--- feels alone and misunderstood. (But I don’t really care anymore)

--- want their life to be a work of art despite feeling the loneliness, suffering and self-doubt.

--- engrossed in feelings of loss, sadness and melancholy. (Yes…but only when someone has the capacity for immense loss can he feel satisfaction with equal zest.)

--- create and surround themselves in beauty. (I’m more vain than you think I am)

--- do not want to follow impersonal rules and procedures.

--- acutely aware of what is incomplete and inadequate about the ego-self

Personal Relationships:
--- do not want to spend time with people they perceive as lacking taste or emotional depth. (Bro Kua was the first to say the ‘belittle my status’ shit thingy, not me.)

---enjoy any kind of authentic personal sharing. (Only if you are of the opposite sex)

--- become self-absorbed and uninterested in other’s feelings due to feeling overwhelmed by their own feelings.

--- idealizing potential partners…and feeling disappointed once they get to know them. (Almost every girl I’ve met is a slut)

--- withholding attention and affection to punish the other. (No…)

--- tremendous shifts of feeling from idolization to unbridled hatred. (XX)

Hmmm… really, it made quite a fair assessment. So, if you guys have an hour or so to spare, might wanna do they test and find out more about this Enneagram thingy for yourself. But then again, I know myself better than to have to read it off a book, so if you think along the same lines, then forget it.


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