Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Conversation III

A Conversation III

ROTW: Enough of your grandiose talk about love and lust. You devalue the very constructs of love while glorifying the obscenity of lust. Your desires surge unchecked and unrestrained, like every bit of your personality. With a clever choice of words, you beautify things which were meant to be ugly. If I can extend this trait to your exterior, then perhaps beneath your designer labels, beneath your flamboyant locks, beneath your brooding appeal is a repulsive and despicable nature.

Boy: Well, then let me be the only judge of what and who I am. The clothes that I wear shows prove of your unsurpassed progression. You may oppress me otherwise, but by and large, dressing style and taste is highly personal. I am happy with both designer labels and their lower end counterparts as long as I feel comfortable in them. There is nothing vain in seeking comfort. By your very ordinance, I was once robbed of my hair and instead given a rank which held no significance to its bearer. How long more do you wish to claim hegemony over the trivialities of my life? I will not allow social stigmas to influence the degree of freedom I think I ought to have. Let’s put it this way…Humans, as a whole, have reached a new era of technology such that we can travel to the moon. Yet we still find it difficult to cross the street and say ‘hello’ to our neighbours. Why? Oh, because everybody has stopped smiling. I cannot smile to a world which does not reciprocate, and instead of struggling with the mechanics of being outwardly friendly, I choose to set myself in thought about other stuff, which might explain the brooding part. Besides, the way a person looks is no fault of his. Nor is it his credit. Remember that. And probably what lies beneath is quite the opposite of your superficial, preconceived notions.

ROTW: I am utterly disappointed with you. You are your father’s son, and your father had quite a bit of the rank which you totally disregard. You have failed to uphold a certain expectation lain down by default of background. Nobody is born free. The physical act of cutting away the umbilical chord at birth does not signify symbolic freedom of a new born child. Rather, it hints at the previous attachment to maternal ties being broken so that the fully developed baby can continue serving this attachment in better ways outside of the womb. Natura non facit saltus. It happens bit by bit, and you, like any other person, are merely a part of the whole process of Nature taking its course. Now, think again about what you have just said. It totally does not link with my point of how you tend to beautify ugly objects, yourself included. Were you trying desperately to sway from my point and change the topic? Or do you have selective thinking and hearing, only choosing to comment on non-related aspects of my point?

Boy: My father is my father. I am not a subset of him. If you choose to centre the story around him as the protagonist, then maybe I might seem like a minor character that belongs to his story. But think carefully…everyone has a story of life to tell from his perspective. There is no distinction between major and minor characters. It is more a matter of whose perspective you are seeing it from. I am made of flesh and blood too. I deserve to narrate my story from my own stream of consciousness. You fault me for not attaining rank, but which of these demands more strength of character? Getting those socially coveted ranks by doing things you do not like OR living the rest of your life braving harsh remarks, especially from those close to you, about not getting them? I think it is the latter. Okay…maybe I am not beautiful enough. But where you think I intentionally try to mask my flaws with outlandish dressing, you are rather mistaken. It is vanity on my part perhaps, but that is as far as I am willing to push my confessions. But really, any person with enough self love would take the effort to look presentable. I know I am rather lacking in the looks department, which is exactly why I work on it so that people will not see a hideous monster when they see me in the streets. I just happen to have fun while doing just that. Besides, I am male and straight. Nobody is going to ‘rape’ me no matter what I wear.

ROTW: So are you implying that girls who dress provocatively are just asking to get raped whereas guys who dress flamboyantly are merely well groomed? Wait a minute…does that mean also that you secretly harbour thoughts of raping girls who dress up? Ha, or are you already doing it on a more mental level, raping them in your imaginative mind as the clothes they wear excites your perversity?

Boy: I really wonder why I have to point out to you that there is a subtle difference between having fashion style and dressing up like a slut. Tell me, why is it that you ban magazines like Playboy and Penthouse but allow the circulation of GQ and Maxim? Now, that’s because you fully understand this subtle difference. Yet, it is quite difficult to pin down the factors that differentiate the two and it could be subjective. Think about it this way, everybody can tell you that Chopin’s Nocturne no.9 is art while what my less-than-musically inclined three year old cousin plays at random on the piano is trash. But not everybody can put into words ‘why’. In the same manner, I ‘appreciate’ girls who dress nicely and there is nothing perverse about it though I cannot tell you why. I just do not call it ‘rape’, mental or otherwise. On the other hand, if a girl wears a bra-top and miniskirt and parades around but fails to convince me it is stylish, I would actually find it quite a turn off.

ROTW: Hmmm….That kind of reminds me of the ‘virgin-whore’ hypothesis imbued in every man where girls are only divided into the two categories of virgins and whores. Every man, as if by pure instinct, can tell which category a girl belongs to with just one look at her. Hmmm…but I suppose you will gladly accept anyone from either category as long as they are nice since you like to ‘appreciate’ girls so much. That aside, you know and I know that every girl has a price tag. Some want material comforts and sleep around with whoever can give it to them, this is their price tag. Others want emotional comforts and seek a single man, choosing to call it love when it is really a price tag as well. A third…and lowest class of girls want both material and emotional comforts. Honestly speaking, you do not look like a guy who can pay for any of the above mentioned.


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