Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Sitting in the library and trying to bloG after a recess period because the other alternative of studying would yield less returns to scale considering I had a heavy lunch. And I mean 'heavy'.

It started this morning when I realised I didn't have a lunch partner yet. So I picked through my contact list on my phone and started searching for one.

J--- went SMU for exchange programme.
Amos--- told me another day.
Army buddy--- told me he had lab lesson which had 10percent weightage on his overall grade.
JC classmate--- eating with girlfriend, and sounded like he minded if I joined.
Sec school classmate--- had lessons.

So by the time my lecture ended at two, I was still quite without someone to dine with. Next best alternative? Eating in solitude at the cafe while endless streams of people scrambled by as they wonder why I was such a loner eating alone.

I decided to splurge on the meal because this week, my budget constrain (forgive the Economic references) was less tight. So I ordered a Roast Chicken Pasta with Mushroom sauce, a platter of Italian sausages with Salad in Thousand Island dressing and topped it all off with an extra sized Coke. By my standards, it was a gastronomical feast. But nobody eats alone...especially not in one quiet corner of the cafe, trying not to attract too much company with people who shared the same view about eating alone. Say, I'm studying in the biggest faculty in the whole Uni and can't even find a lunch-partner. Introvert? Anti-social? Attitude? Geek? Or a combination of them. (with doubts about the last one of course)

Actually, nobody cares. They might pass comments about my hair, my clothes, my looks, my eating alone. But these are detached comments as much as the receiver of them is indifferent to them. If I couldn't really care less about it, why should they?

So, this is the complete schooling experience there is so much emphasis about. Because the next time someone comments about eating alone, I would be the first to say it is no big deal. I've been there and done that. Hopefully, not too often.

Childish. Vain. Go think about how it fits in.


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